Duplicate last exchange rate in Microsoft Dynamics GP for every day to future date

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve been involved in a project which has included a lot of development and therefore a lot of QA and UAT over a period of time. The client’s system is configured with daily exhcnage rates which has caused some issues with testing as not everyone doing testing has access to insert new rates.

To provide some consistency in the exchange rate for testing and to ensure that testing is not held up…

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Duplicate last exchange rate in Microsoft Dynamics GP for every day to future date

I’ve been involved in a project which has included a lot of development and therefore a lot of QA and UAT over a period of time. The client’s system is configured with daily exhcnage rates which has caused some issues with testing as not everyone doing testing has access to insert new rates.

Blog Syndicated with Ian Grieve’s Permission

Author: Ian Grieve

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