#36. David Conti surprised me with the size of Velrada’s project that was a finalist in the 2019 Microsoft Partner of the Year for Dynamics 365 Field Service awards. I
#36. David Conti surprised me with the size of Velrada’s project that was a finalist in the 2019 Microsoft Partner of the Year for Dynamics 365 Field Service awards. I
#37. Steve Books is the Chief Technology Officer of Bam Boom Cloud (previously known as Cooper Parry IT Solutions), 2020 winner of the Microsoft Partner of the Year award for
#38. If you’re brand new to agile software development and are wondering how an agile approach can be applied to your Dynamics 365, Power Apps, Power BI or Power Automate
#40. There are two ways of handling bugs in Scrum: Bug Estimators treat bugs like any other product backlog item. They write a card, estimate it, add it to the
#39. Imagine you’re a member of a development team implementing Microsoft Business Applications using the Scrum framework. What do you do when you’ve completed the item you’re working on? Inspired