VBA Snippets: Select Records from Microsoft Dynamics ODBC Connection

MicrosoftThis post is part of the series on VBA Snippets.

In yesterdays post, I covered adding an ODBC connection to Microsoft Dynamics GP VBA for use n windows or reports. The below is an example of a SQL query using the ODBC connection.

SOPType and SopNUmber (highlighted) are fields from a window added to the VBA.

This example retries a list of fields from the Sales Transaction Amounts Work…

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VBA Snippets: Select Records from Microsoft Dynamics ODBC Connection

This post is part of the series on VBA Snippets. In yesterdays post, I covered adding an ODBC connection to Microsoft Dynamics GP VBA for use n windows or reports. The below is an example of a SQL query using the ODBC connection. SOPType and SopNUmber (highlighted) are fields from a window added to the VBA.

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Author: Ian Grieve

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