VBA Snippets: Adding an SQL ODBC Connection in Microsoft Dynamics GP

MicrosoftThis post is part of the series on VBA Snippets.

There is an ADO connection available to VBA within Microsoft Dynamics GP which you can use, but there are some steps you need to follow to use it.

The first step is to declare the variable which will hold the connection.

Private madoConn AS ADODB.Connection

Then you need to create the connection which this example does using a Connect

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VBA Snippets: Adding an SQL ODBC Connection in Microsoft Dynamics GP

This post is part of the series on VBA Snippets. There is an ADO connection available to VBA within Microsoft Dynamics GP which you can use, but there are some steps you need to follow to use it. The first step is to declare the variable which will hold the connection.

Blog Syndicated with Ian Grieve’s Permission

Author: Ian Grieve

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