Update EFT Transfer Method on Creditor EFT Details in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was doing some work with a client recently where we needed to output two different formats of EFT file for the same bank account. This is possible using the EFT Transfer Method on the bank on the creditors. However, with a large number of creditors we needed a way to update the records in bulk. While it would be possible to do this with a macro, it would be fiddly and take a while.


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Update EFT Transfer Method on Creditor EFT Details in Microsoft Dynamics GP

I was doing some work with a client recently where we needed to output two different formats of EFT file for the same bank account. This is possible using the EFT Transfer Method on the bank on the creditors. However, with a large number of creditors we needed a way to update the records in bulk.

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Author: Ian Grieve

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