Pass “reference” data from a parent Flow to a child Flow

If you ever wonder how to do this is the exact time to figure it out together.

These are types of user inputs you can pass to a child flow:

Child Flow user input types: Text, Yes/No, File, Number, Date.

What I was doing previously is passing a record ID as a Text input parameter then I was querying data using this ID. Like this:

Query record in a child Flow to workaround a pass…

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Pass “reference” data from a parent Flow to a child Flow

If you ever wonder how to do this is the exact time to figure it out together. These are types of user inputs you can pass to a child flow: Child Flow user input types: Text, Yes/No, File, Number, …

Blog Syndicated with Olena Grischenko’s Permission

Author: Olena Grischenko

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