LinkedIn Matched Audience

LinkedIn Matched Audience – Free or Paid?
If you are anything like me, the prompt in the documentation telling you that testing that out might result in extra charges, you would have been putting it off for a while. Let's go on the journey together and see how we can do it all for free.(read more)

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LinkedIn Matched Audience, Dynamics 365 Marketing

LinkedIn Matched Audience – Free or Paid? If you are anything like me, the prompt in the documentation telling you that testing that out might result in extra charges, you would have been putting it off for a while. Let’s go on the journey together and see how we can do it all for free.

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More About This Author

Dilyana Radulova
Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert and experienced Technical CRM Consultant with demonstrable experience as the functional lead in numerous projects throughout their full life-cycle. A highly ambitious, competitive and creative individual, who is analytical, proactive and has strong interpersonal skills.
Passionate about D365 for Marketing.

Author: Dilyana Radulova

Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert and experienced Technical CRM Consultant with demonstrable experience as the functional lead in numerous projects throughout their full life-cycle. A highly ambitious, competitive and creative individual, who is analytical, proactive and has strong interpersonal skills. Passionate about D365 for Marketing.

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