If you start to think about using either the Marketing Website Visited trigger or the Marketing Website Clicked trigger, you would be confused for scratching your head wondering what all of the attributes are. How do you know which to use in your trigger conditions and what the returned values might be? Fear not, I’ve done the hard work and gone through to find out what information is passed back in each one. This post is a Marketing Website Visited trigger glossary.
You can review the trigger by going to Triggers> Standard triggers > Marketing Website Visited. This shows that the trigger can work for either Contacts or Leads, and shows all of the attributes.
Let’s look at each of the attributes. These are the ones that are actually going to send data and could be used as part of your Journey criteria.
This is the date and time of when the Website Visit actually happened.
Page name is everything AFTER the domain of your website. So if the URL was this > https://meganvwalker.com/website-visits-trigger-glossary-available-fields/ the page name would be website-visits-trigger-glossary-available-fields
Each page of a website has what is known as a Meta Title. This is seen at the very top of the browser for the tab you have open, and also used in search engine listings. My home page for example has a title of “Power Platform | D365 | Customer Insights | Megan V. Walker”.
The page url is the full URL of the website visit that occurred. Visiting this page would pass back https://meganvwalker.com/website-visits-trigger-glossary-available-fields/ as the Page URL
This will have information with the page the visitor was previously on. If the person had previously been on the main blog page then navigated to this specific blog post, the previous page name would be https://meganvwalker.com/blog/
Although this might have additional view types in the future, currently the only value is “page” so not much point in using this just yet.
So if you check out the original post on Website Tracking In Realtime Marketing you can then see how you could start off your journey using a trigger and check the right conditions based on your requirements. Have fun!
Original Post http://meganvwalker.com/website-visited-trigger-glossary-available-fields/