Wave 2 2024 Customer Insights Journey Chat With Amey Holden

Wave 2 2024 Customer Insights Journey Chat With Amey Holden

The release notes for Dynamics 365 Wave 2 2024 have been published. My good friend Amey Holden and I got together to chat about each proposed change or new feature from the Customer Insights – Journeys section (formerly D365 Marketing). We talk through what each of us thinks of the new proposed features from Microsoft and share ideas with each other that we hadn’t necessarily thought… Continue Reading Megan V. Walker’s...

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Wave 2 2024 Customer Insights Journey Chat With Amey Holden – YouTube

Wave 2 2024 Customer Insights Journey Chat With Amey Holden – YouTube

Wave 2 2024 Customer Insights Journey Chat With Amey Holden The release notes for Dynamics 365 Wave 2 2024 have been published. My good friend Amey Holden and I got together to chat about each proposed change or new feature from the Customer Insights – Journeys section (formerly D365 Marketing). Wave 2 2024 D365 Marketing Overview πŸš€ Customer Insights – Journeys:...

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Sending A Journey Using RSS Feeds & Topics In Realtime Marketing

Sending A Journey Using RSS Feeds & Topics In Realtime Marketing

Back at the start of 2022, when Realtime Journeys and Triggers were just getting started, I wrote a post all about D365 Real-time Marketing, RSS Feeds & Subscription Centres. It gave you a way to create a Journey that would send an email out when you posted a new blog on your website to all those people who had subscribed and were included in a Subscription List. Moving on from that, we no… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Display Custom Message When Marketing Form Blocked By Browser

Display Custom Message When Marketing Form Blocked By Browser

I love our community that blogs about and shares content on the Power Platform. It’s awesome having others there who are able to help or we can collaborate with. Amey Holden is one of those people for me. She and I have worked through challenges with marketing forms in Customer Insights – Journeys and also on using Google Tag Manager to fire and actually load the forms. She messaged me with an… Continue Reading Megan...

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Trigger Journey After Topic Is Opted In To

Trigger Journey After Topic Is Opted In To

You might have several different forms that allow someone to opt in to specific Topics in Realtime Marketing. Perhaps you even have some of those Topics hidden and are opting people in automatically when the form is submitted. What if you want to have the person go through a Journey and send them a thank you email once opted in to a specific Topic but don’t want to have a separate Journey per… Continue Reading Megan V....

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D365 Marketing Consent and Microsoft Bookings

D365 Marketing Consent and Microsoft Bookings

I recently worked with a client who are using Microsoft Bookings to allow someone to book a demo via a link on their website. They are also then manually adding a new Lead (or Contact) in to Dynamics 365. As they’ve begun using D365 Marketing (Customer Insights Journeys), and the person is agreeing to terms and conditions when they book an appointment via Bookings, the question was, well how… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Send Session Reminder Email After Event Check-in For In-Person Events

Send Session Reminder Email After Event Check-in For In-Person Events

Back with another post that focuses on Event Management and different approaches you can take. This one was inspired by a question from a reader on one of my blogs, and also a recent reminder from Malin Martnes on one of her posts about using Lists in emails. The reader wanted to know if when someone checked in, you could provide them with a list of the sessions they had registered for (thanks… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Predefined Placeholder Access In Customer Insights – Journeys

Predefined Placeholder Access In Customer Insights – Journeys

One of the cool things you can use in Emails in Realtime Marketing (in the Customer Insights – Journeys) app is personalisation. Accessing data is pretty simple, and Microsoft have even provided a list of pre-defined values for you such as Full Name and First Name to add to your emails. You can also add in new placeholders for you and other users to access quickly too. But what if someone on… Continue Reading Megan V....

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WordPress Mobile App Issue – Username Password Isn’t Associated With This Site

WordPress Mobile App Issue – Username Password Isn’t Associated With This Site

Very off-brand with this post, but as usual, if this is something that I had an issue with and took me a while to figure out, I guess it could be the same for someone else. So if it is a help to anyone, that’s great! I use WordPress for my website which I love, but this is about a WordPress mobile app issue. I enjoy getting in to the PHP and adding new functionality, or adjusting the CSS to… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Using Inline Conditions In Email Subjects -Customer Insights Journeys

Using Inline Conditions In Email Subjects -Customer Insights Journeys

There are so many options in Realtime Marketing emails for creating conditional and personalised content. Most of it is pretty easy to add, and a few clicks of buttons and you’re on your way. What about when it comes to determining what goes in to the subject or preview text of the email? It’s not so obvious how to do that, but it’s still possible with a few clicks and pretty straightforward… Continue Reading...

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Moving Documents From One File Column To Another Using Power Automate

Moving Documents From One File Column To Another Using Power Automate

I’m working on a project that has a requirement to move a file from a file column (field) on one table (entity) to a file column of the same name on a different table. There is no way to map these fields using the standard Dataverse mapping functionality, and using Power Automate presented challenges and resulted in needing three actions just to achieve this. A quick call to others in the… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Using The Pipeline View To Manage Your Opportunities

Using The Pipeline View To Manage Your Opportunities

If you’ve only read my content for the past few years, you might be forgiven for thinking that the ‘only thing’ I work on is Marketing (Customer Insights – Journeys). I started my CRM/D365 life working on Sales and Customer Service, love to work on Portals projects, use Power Automate and many other Microsoft products and tools. One of the things I love when working with clients is helping… Continue...

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Checking Contact Attributes Or Contact Point Consent Records In Realtime Marketing

Checking Contact Attributes Or Contact Point Consent Records In Realtime Marketing

If you aren’t already aware, it’s good to understand the difference between how consent is handled in Outbound Marketing vs. Realtime Marketing specifically for Contacts. Outbound looks at three different fields on the Contact record. You have a an Email field, Bulk Email field and Allow Tracking field. All are set to either Allow or Do Not Allow. For Realtime Marketing we now have Contact… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Sending Event Registration QR Code Via SMS

Sending Event Registration QR Code Via SMS

In previous posts we’ve looked at sending out Event Registration information dynamically rather than needing to create emails individually for different Events. Also, the difference between doing a button with ‘Add To Calendar’ and also pulling in the right QR code. I was asked by a blog reader, how can we text the QR code to someone, that way when they arrive at the event they can just click… Continue Reading...

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Send Unique Event Registration Response With QR Code Using No Code

Send Unique Event Registration Response With QR Code Using No Code

I’ve written about using the out of the box Marketing Event Registration Created trigger to create emails that can be used in one Journey and still make sure the information in those emails is unique and related to the Event that was registered for. This is a cool feature and great way to just set up a Journey that runs for all of your webinars or in person events should you choose to do so…. Continue Reading Megan V....

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Send Unique Event Registration Response Emails For Each Event Using No Code

Send Unique Event Registration Response Emails For Each Event Using No Code

Back in June 2022, I wrote a blog showing how you could create a custom trigger, and build a couple of flows in Power Automate to generate one journey for ALL of your Events if you wanted to. The challenge otherwise was there was no way to get a unique ics file for each person that registered for the event. So if you followed this blog post, you might have built it. This is NO LONGER NEEDED,… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Removing Issues With Mobile Phone Numbers On Realtime Forms

Removing Issues With Mobile Phone Numbers On Realtime Forms

There can be challenges when capturing a mobile phone number from a Realtime Marketing form in Customer Insights – Journeys (D365 Marketing). Some of these issues you might not even be aware of. Jake Chen detailed the problems in a recent blog post walking through what happens when turning off the built in validation on the mobile phone field, which can then prevent Contact Point Consent… Continue Reading Megan V....

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No More Dynamics 365 For Phones & Tablets From April 2024

No More Dynamics 365 For Phones & Tablets From April 2024

There is SO much information in the Power Platform it’s hard to keep up with everything. Sometimes Microsoft makes announcements that we miss, and just happen to find later. This is one of those things, and I figure if it passed me by, it’s likely the same for others. So sharing just in case you aren’t already aware, the Dynamics 365 for Phones & Tablets is deprecated as of April 2024, or… Continue Reading...

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Auto Responder Emails For Gated Content Via Realtime Forms

Auto Responder Emails For Gated Content Via Realtime Forms

Triggers in the Marketing App (Customer Insights – Journeys) are pretty awesome. They can be used to create what can be a very manually arduous task and turn it in to something automated that can just run on it’s own with you needing to step in and set stuff up. Even better, there are quite a few out of the box triggers that can be used to help with that. One of them runs when a Marketing Form… Continue Reading Megan...

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Removing Email Addresses From Suppression In D365 Marketing

Removing Email Addresses From Suppression In D365 Marketing

In a previous post, I reviewed the ability to manage consent from Contact and Lead records in Customer Insights – Journeys (D365 Marketing). As of the time of writing this post, that is still a preview feature for removing email addresses from suppression. Another preview feature is the ability to remove email addresses from suppression, giving you the ability to remove emails from the… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Access To Manage Consent From Lead And Contact Records

Access To Manage Consent From Lead And Contact Records

The March 2024 release for Customer Insights – Journeys includes a much awaited for feature. The ability to manage consent from Lead and Contact records is finally here! It is this feature from the Wave 1 2024 release plan, and the documentation can be found here. However, with many things, there is more to learn and understand about a feature than just what is in the documentation, so in this… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Resolving Error While Creating Target Entity Issue on Realtime Marketing Form Submissions

Resolving Error While Creating Target Entity Issue on Realtime Marketing Form Submissions

I’m hoping this helps people who have scratched their head for ages wondering why their Leads or Contacts are not being created when someone submits a Realtime Marketing Form. This has actually occurred for two different clients in a given week, so time for a post about. All you see is that the form submission for someone has failed, and the failure description shows ‘Error while creating… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Using Google Tag Manager For Your Realtime Marketing Form Scripts

Using Google Tag Manager For Your Realtime Marketing Form Scripts

I’ve shared information on getting set up with Google Tag Manager in the past, and also on how to add different scripts to work with your Realtime Marketing scripts. In this post I will show you how you can include all of your form related scripts to run using Google Tag Manager (GTM). This means you won’t need to add them to the HTML of the form (and risk them being removed), and can just add… Continue Reading Megan...

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Internal Notification Emails For Event Forms In Realtime Marketing

Internal Notification Emails For Event Forms In Realtime Marketing

I’ve previously written about creating internal notification email for Realtime Marketing Form Submissions. This post is an extension of that, and covers the scenario of someone submitting a Realtime form that is actually an event Registration form. You can use just one form for events, and link it to multiple events. If you get form submission notification emails, the name of the form would… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Providing Security Access To Users For Realtime Form Ownership

Providing Security Access To Users For Realtime Form Ownership

Using Realtime Marketing Forms from Customer Insights Journeys on your website provides a quick and seamless way to have new Leads and Contacts created automatically in Dynamics 365. It’s good to know that when a new record is created, the owner of that record will be whomever owns the Marketing Form. Rather than giving Sales people an out of the box security role for Marketing (which I have… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Using Additional Matching Strategies On Realtime Marketing Forms

Using Additional Matching Strategies On Realtime Marketing Forms

For your Realtime Marketing Forms, there are two options out of the box for determining what happens when someone fills out the form. You can either have a new record created every single time, or you can try and find a matching existing record via the email address field to update it if one exists (otherwise, create a new record). Did you know you can add other options, and set a different… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Set Language Of Person Submitting Your Realtime Marketing Form

Set Language Of Person Submitting Your Realtime Marketing Form

Using Realtime Marketing from Dynamics 365 (Customer Insights – Journeys) gives you the ability to customise your emails, and using dynamic conditional content, set different variations based on field values. One common field to use is that of a custom language field. You could ask for this information, or you could use a piece of information found within the developer console of a browser… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Wave 1 2024 Customer Insights Journey Chat With Amey Holden

Wave 1 2024 Customer Insights Journey Chat With Amey Holden

The release notes for Dynamics 365 Wave 1 2024 have been published. My good friend Amey Holden and I got together to chat about each proposed change or new feature from the Customer Insights – Journeys section (formerly D365 Marketing). We talk through what each of us thinks of the new proposed features from Microsoft and share ideas with each other that we hadn’t necessarily thought… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Wave 1 2024 Customer Insights Journey Chat With Amey Holden – YouTube

Wave 1 2024 Customer Insights Journey Chat With Amey Holden – YouTube

Wave 1 2024 Customer Insights Journey Chat With Amey Holden The release notes for Dynamics 365 Wave 1 2024 have been published. My good friend Amey Holden and I got together to chat about each proposed change or new feature from the Customer Insights – Journeys section (formerly D365 Marketing). Wave 1 2024 D365 Marketing Overview πŸš€ Customer Insights – Journeys:...

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Setting Default Values For Unmapped Fields When Using Realtime Form Capture

Setting Default Values For Unmapped Fields When Using Realtime Form Capture

I wrote about using the new preview (as of time of writing this) feature on Realtime Marketing forms with form capture. This gives you the ability to map submissions from 3rd party forms but still create the new/updated Contact or Lead record in D365. In that post, I wrote about the process of mapping the fields on your other form to fields on your form in the marketing app. That all works… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Display Download Button After Realtime Marketing Form Submission

Display Download Button After Realtime Marketing Form Submission

When submitting a Realtime Marketing form, there are two options available in terms of the end user experience for the submitter. You can either display a thankyou message, or redirect them to another page. I’ve written previously about how to display a message and then redirect, and also how to change the default image that gets shown. In this blog, I’ll show how you can display a message and… Continue Reading Megan...

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Understanding Your Unassigned Data In GA4 With Custom Channels

Understanding Your Unassigned Data In GA4 With Custom Channels

If you are using Google Analytics (GA4), and are reviewing any of the acquisition reports, you’ll likely have seen some of that traffic showing up as unassigned. If Google doesn’t recognise where the traffic came from and there is no logical source or medium available, your website traffic will be tagged as Unassigned for the channel when looking at any of the standard reports. This channel is… Continue Reading Megan...

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Capture Lead Channel Traffic Source Without UTM Parameters

Capture Lead Channel Traffic Source Without UTM Parameters

If you use Google Analytics, you should be familiar with channels. As defined by Google, channels are rule-based definitions of your website’s traffic sources that let you monitor the performance of all of the channels sending traffic to your website.Β Someone might come to your website, but not via a link including UTM Parameters which can be used to uncover more information about how they… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Redirect After Preference Centre Submission

Redirect After Preference Centre Submission

I wrote about how to make your Preference Centre page look more in line with your organisations branding by adjusting the CSS and adding a few extra items to the HTML code. That’s all well and good, but after the form is submitted, that nice experience is (IMHO) ruined, because the person is taken to another page with a plain background, a green check mark image, and whatever text you added to… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Using Form Capture With Realtime Marketing Forms

Using Form Capture With Realtime Marketing Forms

When considering the right approach for your online marketing forms, it’s not always possible to use forms created in Customer Insights – Journeys (D365 Realtime Marketing forms). You might not want to recreate them all, or you might already be using another solution that you aren’t ready to replace just yet. Whatever the reason, if you’ve authenticated the domain within the marketing app, you… Continue...

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Lookup Fields With Default Option in Realtime Marketing Forms

Lookup Fields With Default Option in Realtime Marketing Forms

There are number of different types of fields that can be added to a marketing form in Customer Insights – Journeys (D365 Marketing). Most commonly used are text fields such as First Name, Last Name and Email, or even Choice fields for ‘How did you hear about us?’ to set the Lead Source. These can be added to the form and no additional steps are needed. Simple! What about those fields that are… Continue Reading...

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View In Browser For Realtime Emails

View In Browser For Realtime Emails

This one has been a long time coming, and was a missing feature in Realtime Marketing that could be used in Outbound Marketing long ago. That’s the simple feature of providing a view in browser for realtime emails link so those you send emails to can open them online. This means, even if the email doesn’t display or there are issues with the person’s email client, they still have a way to see… Continue Reading...

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Customising Your Compliance Profile Preference Centres

Customising Your Compliance Profile Preference Centres

I’ve written a series of blogs all about Compliance Profiles which walk through a series of steps for getting up and running with Realtime Marketing compliance. Part one shows how to create a new Compliance Profile and then make sure your Preference Centre looks good. This is the page someone will land on if they click on the link from the bottom of the email, giving your Contacts and Leads a… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Creating Personalised Thank You Pages For Realtime Marketing Forms

Creating Personalised Thank You Pages For Realtime Marketing Forms

If you have used Outbound Marketing for a while, it’s possible you have used the Personalised Pages functionality. This provides you with the ability to display values from a Contact’s record on a page of your website. Now that we are all on the ‘journey’ to move to Realtime, it seems that’s no longer going to be available (or at least not for now!). I wanted to come up with a way to be able…...

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Disable Collapsible Groups In D365 Model Driven App Navigation

Disable Collapsible Groups In D365 Model Driven App Navigation

This post is slightly more unique as it might not impact all that many. However, I have seen this enough times to know that it might not be a feature many know about or how to turn it on and off! I’m talking about the navigation in a model-driven Power App (or D365 for most), where each group or section in the navigation has an arrow next to it and you have to click to expand or collapse them… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Create Realtime Marketing Dashboards in D365

Create Realtime Marketing Dashboards in D365

Want to know how to create Realtime Marketing Dashboards in D365? Before we begin, this isn’t new functionality… but it’s taking advantage of age old CRM views, charts and dashboards and creating some overviews that may be helpful for marketers and managers to get an understanding of some of the records being used in D365 Marketing (Customer Insights Journeys). For those of you who are old… Continue Reading...

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Finding Your Realtime Event Registration Forms In Customer Insights Journeys

Finding Your Realtime Event Registration Forms In Customer Insights Journeys

If you’ve started using the new Realtime Marketing Forms for Events, you will have discovered it’s a little bit different to creating them in Outbound. For a start, you can’t create them from the forms area (yet, here is hoping that gets added!), and have to actually create an Event to then create a new form. Then if you want to edit it, you have to remember which Event it was added to and go… Continue Reading...

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Sending Emails From Contact And Lead Owners In Realtime Marketing

Sending Emails From Contact And Lead Owners In Realtime Marketing

This isn’t a new thing but I am surprised by how often people aren’t sure how to do this, so this post is about how you can send your marketing emails in Customer Insights Journeys (D365 Marketing) from the owner of a Contact or Lead. You could also apply this to other customer fields such as an Account Manager field, or Support Rep field or anywhere else you have a user lookup field. In this… Continue Reading Megan...

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Using Browser Session Storage To Add Referrer and UTM Parameters To Leads

Using Browser Session Storage To Add Referrer and UTM Parameters To Leads

I’ve written about getting UTM Parameters from the URL when someone visits your website, then using them to add to hidden fields on a form and passing them through to a Lead record in D365. This is a great way to figure out where your Leads are coming from. However, thanks to Ferdinand Ganter, a reader of my blog, I had to rethink things. What about someone that comes to your site with a link… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Understanding Realtime Marketing Form Themes And CSS

Understanding Realtime Marketing Form Themes And CSS

Brand consistency is important, and getting your Realtime Marketing Forms to look good and fit in with your website look and feel is key for a seamless experience. The forms have a fantastic theme panel providing you with the ability to set the colour palette, background, h1, h2, h3, paragraph and other components on your form. Although that is all there on a form by default, you might have a… Continue Reading Megan V....

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D365 Org Charts & Relationship Health

D365 Org Charts & Relationship Health

Back in June 2023, Microsoft introduced a new preview of a fancier looking org chart for users to update in Dynamics 365. At that time, it needed to be switched on by an Administrator to see it, but now it’s out of preview, and likely more users will stumble across it, so figured it was a good time to raise more awareness or remind people it’s there! This post will walk you through the… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Redirect D365 Marketing Forms After Displaying Thank You Notification

Redirect D365 Marketing Forms After Displaying Thank You Notification

I wrote about how to make changes to the default image that shows if you are using the thank you notification instead of the redirect option for your Realtime Marketing forms. I then had a question from someone wondering if you could use both, and redirect D365 Marketing Forms after the thank you message and image are displayed. The answer is yes! This post is quick and easy to show you how… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Sales Access To Marketing Insights And Timeline Interactions

Sales Access To Marketing Insights And Timeline Interactions

Often as consultants or administrators, we forget that we have higher levels of access than other users. The same can be said for users who have been given one of the out of the box security roles for Marketing. We just assume others can see the same things we can. There are two areas specifically where a marketer can review marketing interactions on the timeline for a Lead and Contact, and… Continue Reading Megan V....

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Responsive Social Media Content Blocks On Desktop And Mobile Devices

Responsive Social Media Content Blocks On Desktop And Mobile Devices

One of the smart approaches to take with your emails in Customer Insights Journeys (D365 Marketing) is to build Content Blocks that can be used when creating email templates or one off emails as needed. Building them is easy and makes sense for repeated things such as headers, footers, unsubscribe copy and social media profiles. We can create blocks using multiple columns to lay out the… Continue Reading Megan V. Walker’s...

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Track D365 Marketing Form Submissions In GA4

Track D365 Marketing Form Submissions In GA4

Back in 2021, prior to Google Analytics going from Universal to GA4, I wrote a post about tracking D365 Marketing form submissions in Google Analytics. This was to help track all conversions even if you were not using a redirect to a thank you page (the easiest way to track your conversions). GA4 is not the easiest tool in the world to use, so this post will show you steps to add the ability… Continue Reading Megan V....

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