How I moved my website to Azure App Service

How I moved my website to Azure App Service

Recently I moved my Ghost blog from my on-prem Docker instance on a Synology to Azure App Services. I can tell you, sometimes it kept me awake at night. I found some blog posts, but all from some years ago and running with Ghost 1.x and they used the old classic Azure portal. Finally, I found 1 good blog, but with reduced information about how to setup up Ghost as an Azure App Service.

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How I moved my website to Azure App Service

Recently I moved my Ghost blog from my on-prem Docker instance on a Synology to Azure App Services. I can tell you, sometimes it kept me awake at night. I found some blog posts, but all from some years ago and running with Ghost 1.x and they used the

Blog Syndicated with Jeroen Burgerhout’s Permission

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