When you read the title like this, you think "That could be pretty handy!". So that's why I put it in writing.
I had this a recent customer, where I migrated them from an on-prem RDS farm to Azure Virtual Desktop.
Why would you choose to change the current url of Azure Virtual Desktop (https://client.wvd.microsoft.com/arm/webclient/) to something else?
Andddd I can't think of anything else for now.
So, what I want to achieve is to get that long url to a shortened url, e.g. avd.domain.tld. This can be done, with the help of Azure, in 2 ways.
Now my Function App is broken. That's because Microsoft made a change to it and I haven't had time to figure this out yet. But the customer wants to move on.
So, in this blog post, I'm going to focus on how to use a Static Web App.
First of all, you need a GitHub account and repo for the "website". You can copy/fork my "website" from my GitHub account .
What we need:
Let's get to work.
Now we need to add a custom domain to this Static Web App.
13. Click on Add a custom domain
14. Click at Custom domain on Azure DNS or Custom domain on other DNS. I have an other DNS provider, so I choosed the 2nd option.
From now on, you can reach your Azure Virtual Desktop environment via your custom, company branded, url.
Video 01 – Redirect in action
That is it for now. Until next time.
Original Post https://www.burgerhout.org/redirect-avd-url-with-a-static-web-app/