Intro to Forms Pro, Difference between personalized, anonymous or converted anonymous to personalized
Forms Pro Tutorial : Create Personalized survey and Create an Invitation Part 2
1.How to create a Personalized Survey
2.How to Create Anonymous Survey
3.How to set Session id or Source Variable in Anonymous Survey
4.Pass Variable as Parameter in Survey URL
5. Map forms pro survey response to Lead Microsoft dynamics 365 or Share point
6. Create an invitation or Send a Survey using Power Automate for Forms pro
7.Embed Forms Pro Survey on Website and capture Response on dynamics 365
8. Store source of survey or Mapping context variable value to Question Response in Dynamics 365
Table of Contents:
00:00 – Introduction
00:17 – Create New Power Automate for forms Pro
01:19 – Trigger Condition in Power Automate
04:05 – Entity Mapping test Forms Pro