Joignez-vous à moi au Scottish Summit 2024. Pensez à vous inscrire à ma session de formation sur les Copilot qui aura lieu le 17 octobre source
Joignez-vous à moi au Scottish Summit 2024. Pensez à vous inscrire à ma session de formation sur les Copilot qui aura lieu le 17 octobre source
The invitation feature is embedded in every Power Apps Portal – but how does it work and what can we do with it? This session will take you through the
The invitation feature is embedded in every Power Apps Portal – but how does it work and what can we do with it? This session will take you through the
Intro to Forms Pro, Difference between personalized, anonymous or converted anonymous to personalized Forms Pro Tutorial : Create Personalized survey and Create an Invitation Part 2 1.How to create a
If you’ve used Microsoft Forms, you’ll know it’s pretty straightforward to use and provides you with a quick tool to create surveys and forms to send to people. Enter Microsoft