Dynamics CRM 365 Performance Tuning and Optimization Diagnostic Tool

Model-driven apps in Dynamics 365 includes a basic diagnostic tool that analyzes the client-to-organization connectivity and produces a report. To run the Diagnostics tool, follow these steps. On the user’s computer or device, start a web browser, and sign in to an organization. Enter the following URL, https://myorg.crm.dynamics.com/tools/diagnostics/diag.aspx,…

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Dynamics CRM 365 Performance Tuning and Optimization Diagnostic Tool

Model-driven apps in Dynamics 365 includes a basic diagnostic tool that analyzes the client-to-organization connectivity and produces a report. To run the Diagnostics tool, follow these steps. On the user’s computer or device, start a web browser, and sign in to an organization. Enter the following URL, https://myorg.crm.dynamics.com/tools/diagnostics/diag.aspx, where myorg.crm.dynamics.com is the URL of your organization.

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