Azure Diagnostic Settings is used to send Azure resource’s platform logs and metrics to the destination of your choice. We can use this to connect a resource to a Log
Azure Diagnostic Settings is used to send Azure resource’s platform logs and metrics to the destination of your choice. We can use this to connect a resource to a Log
I’m continuously emphasizing that for monitoring cloud applications (like Dynamics 365 Business Central) and cloud services, using Azure Application Insights is a must. For analyzing telemetry data, I‘ve talked in
Model-driven apps in Dynamics 365 includes a basic diagnostic tool that analyzes the client-to-organization connectivity and produces a report. To run the Diagnostics tool, follow these steps. On the user’s
AA0001 There must be exactly one space character on each side of a binary operator such as := + – AND OR =. There must be exactly one space character
You might remember my post about the Code Analyzers Diagnostic Descriptors when it first came out. I’m very happy with this tool, as it avoids many mistakes, and it