Why DevOps for Business Central is the responsibility of Microsoft, not the customer!

I’ll start with saying that I’m not writing this blog to pick a fight or another online debate. I’m tired of getting the feeling that I’m talking into a brick wall not being heard and understood.

I stopped reading most of the blogs and newsletters from MVP’s and from MSDynamicsWorld.com. I find them desturbingly sales oriented, egocentric and political.

Today I was cleaning up my outlook…

Continue Reading Mark Brummel’s Article on their blog

Why DevOps for Business Central is the responsibility of Microsoft, not the customer!

I’ll start with saying that I’m not writing this blog to pick a fight or another online debate. I’m tired of getting the feeling that I’m talking into a brick wall not being heard and understood. I stopped reading most of the blogs and newsletters from MVP’s and from MSDynamicsWorld.com.

Blog Syndicated with Mark Brummel’s Permission

Author: Marije Brummel

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