You may have set up a Scoring model in your Customer Insights – Journeys environment and are happily building up scores for your Leads. Awesome! You may be content with looking on each individual Lead record to see their score, or going back in to the Scoring model and using the small window where you can’t adjust the columns to see Leads, but neither are great options. In this post I’ll show how you can use the Lead scores table to view open leads with scores and provide additional insight for your sales managers and marketers.
First, this is currently how you would need to see all of the Leads that have a score. Go in to the Scoring model, then click on the Scores tab. It’s not ideal, and I can’t see who owns each Lead or get any further information unless I click on the Lead to open it.
What we can do is create a view on the Lead score table.
I’ll add on the columns from the Lead score record which included a link to the Lead itself, the Score and Grade if you are using it. We can then add related columns to show the Owner of the Lead, when the Lead was created, the Company Name and anything else we want to show from the Lead record directly. You can decide how to sort the view by default such as Score, or Lead Created On date. I would suggest removing the default Name column for the Lead scores. If clicked on, this would take the user to the Lead score record rather than the Lead.
Now we want to add in some filters to make sure we only see relevant Lead scores. We will have two sections based on filtering on related tables.
I only want to show Lead scores where the Lead status is Open. I also only want to show Lead scores that are linked to an Entity scoring model that is Active. This second part is really important as each time you stop your Scoring model to make changes, it makes the existing record Inactive, then creates a new one when you publish again. This means a whole new set of Lead score records are generated, but the previous Lead score records stay Active. So the only way to make sure we are showing relevant ones is via the related Entity scoring model table. Got it?
Next, just make sure you are providing access for people to see the Lead score records. You will need to be sure the Lead score table has Read access for whatever security roles you typically assign to your users. Anyone using the Marketing App with an out of the box security role should already have the access, but just make sure you consider your sales managers too.
Now you need to edit your model-driven app, either the Customer Insights – Journeys one, or one of your custom ones. Add a Dataverse table as the option. Then search for and add the Lead score table.
You can limit it to just the new View you created if you wish, then click on the Settings and select an icon to use if you want something other than the default ugly jigsaw puzzle piece. I went with a web resource already in the system that I thought might look nice. Save and publish your app.
Now we can go to the Lead scores area to see all open leads that have a score, and see when the Lead was created and who the owner is, along with any other fields we might want to include. Users can click on the name of the Lead and go straight to that record to get to work calling them and closing deals. Hooray!
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