Using Conditional Statements For Email Recipient Salutations

Getting your marketing emails right is important. How you address a client or prospect shows how much you really care about your data, and also shows how professional you may or may not be! How are you addressing people in YOUR emails? Are you using their name? What if you don’t have their first name, what are you doing then? If you are using Dynamics 365 for Marketing, you can use conditional…

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Using Conditional Statements For Email Recipient Salutations

NOTE: ALL INFORMATION IS ACCURATE AT DATE OF PUBLISHING *** Getting your marketing emails right is important. How you address a client or prospect shows how much you really care about your data, and also shows how professional you may or may not be! How are you addressing people in YOUR emails?

Blog Syndicated with Megan V. Walker’s Permission

Author: Megan V. Walker

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