Updates to the Dynamics 365 Timeline: Bookmarks and Pinning

Bookmarking timeline filters

Bookmarking filters on your timeline is a new feature introduced by Microsoft in autumn 2023

You may have noticed the bookmark icon appear at the top of your activity timeline

Bookmark icon in timeline filter

You’ll see it in on record pages in entities such as Contacts, Accounts, Orders etc

So now, when you filter your timeline you can save those filters to use again in the…

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Updates to the Dynamics 365 Timeline: Bookmarks and Pinning – All My Systems

Bookmarking timeline filters Bookmarking filters on your timeline is a new feature introduced by Microsoft in autumn 2023 You may have noticed the bookmark icon appear at the top of your activity timeline You’ll see it in on record pages in entities such as Contacts, Accounts, Orders etc So now, when you filter your timeline […]

Blog Syndicated with Pete Murray’s Permission

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Pete Murray

Author: Pete Murray

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