The working folder [source path] is already in use by the workspace [workspace name];[owner] on computer [tfs server]

When a VM is already configured with tfs using one user id, until the workspace is deleted from Source control, another user will not able to configure it .

In order to execute the below command to delete the workspace of another user, you should have proper privilege to Source control.

tf workspace /delete /server:devopsAzureURL workspaceName;"User name"

In the above statement,…

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The working folder [source path] is already in use by the workspace [workspace name];[owner] on computer [tfs server]

When a VM is already configured with tfs using one user id, until the workspace is deleted from Source control, another user will not able to configure it . In order to execute the below command to delete the workspace of another user, you should have proper privilege to Source control.

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Author: Anitha Santosh

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