This post will explain how you can implement a plug-in that will allow the normal users without prvDeleteActivity (Delete privilege for the Activity table) to end a recurring appointment series, update recurrence information,
This post will explain how you can implement a plug-in that will allow the normal users without prvDeleteActivity (Delete privilege for the Activity table) to end a recurring appointment series, update recurrence information,
I’ve seen quite a few questions about being able to create or update records in Dynamics 365 from new appointments via Microsoft Bookings. I wanted to see if it was
? I’ve seen quite a few questions about being able to create or update records in Dynamics 365 from new appointments via Microsoft Bookings. I wanted to see if
An activity party represents a person or group associated with an activity. An activity can have multiple activity parties. There are 11 activity party type in Dynamics CRM customer engagement.
In today’s blog I will show you how to Allow Appointment to be saves as Draft. One of business requirement was from client to save the appointment as draft which