For creating multi-table lookup we already have an XrmToolBox plugin Polymorphic Lookup Creator which we should be using ideally, but in case somebody wants to try it out, the below shared sample code can be referred. Below is our custom table named mycustomtable to which we’d add a multi-table lookup which references case, contact and … Continue reading “Sample code (C#) for Multi-Table…
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Sample code (C#) for Multi-Table Lookup / Polymorphic Lookup attribute in Dataverse / Dynamics 365
For creating multi-table lookup we already have an XrmToolBox plugin Polymorphic Lookup Creator which we should be using ideally, but in case somebody wants to try it out, the below shared sample code can be referred. Below is our custom table named mycustomtable to which we’d add a multi-table lookup which references case, contact and…
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