Refresh button missing on Roll-Up fields in Dynamics 365 UCI?

Hi Everyone,

Today I got a call from one of my friends asking is there any change in the Roll-up Fields implementation on UCI? I was wondered for sometime and I didn’t read about the limitation as such and I have asked what was the reason behind that question. He explained that he was not able to find Refresh button on the field.

It looks like below in the Classic, the refresh button is…

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Refresh button missing on Roll-Up fields in Dynamics 365 UCI?

Hi Everyone, Today I got a call from one of my friends asking is there any change in the Roll-up Fields implementation on UCI? I was wondered for sometime and I didn’t read about the limitation as such and I have asked what was the reason behind that question.

Blog Syndicated with Gopinath’s Permission

Author: Gopi Nath

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