Power Baseball League: Where to Begin?

Hashtag the pink money at a baseball game
Even Hashtag (the CRMUGDC Mascot) enjoys going to a baseball game every once and a while!

Now you have heard about the Power Baseball League idea but you may have thought we went a bit crazy. Obviously everything we talked about in our introduction would take a very long time to scope out and to build. So we asked, how should we get started? Where to begin?

In today’s (much shorter)…

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Power Baseball League: Where to Begin? – Kylie Kiser

Now you have heard about the Power Baseball League idea but you may have thought we went a bit crazy. Obviously everything we talked about in our introduction would take a very long time to scope out and to build. So we asked, how should we get started? Where to begin?

Blog Syndicated with Kylie Kiser’s Permission

Author: Kylie Kiser

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