Implement This 8: OneNote in Dynamics 365


In this episode (sponsored by Kingswaysoft) Hosts Britta Rekstad and Matthew C. Anderson discuss a listener question about using OneNote Online in a Dynamics 365 implementation after upgrading to D365 online. We talk through the standard use cases, good/bad fit, general things we’ve learned about the solution, and weigh in on how OneNote stacks up against the traditional “Notes”…

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CRM Audio: Implement This 8: OneNote in Dynamics 365

In this episode (sponsored by Kingswaysoft) Hosts Britta Rekstad and Matthew C. Anderson discuss a listener question about using OneNote Online in a Dynamics 365 implementation after upgrading to D365 online. We talk through the standard use cases, good/bad fit, general things we’ve learned about the solution, and weigh in on how OneNote stacks up against the traditional “Notes” functionality of the platform.

Blog Syndicated with Matthew C. Anderson’s Permission

Author: CRMAudio

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