{How to} turn on Asynchronous merge Dynamics 365

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to show how to turn on asynchronous merge through Power Platform admin center.
First of all what is Asynchronous Merge?
Transcations can be configured to cascade across all related records. so if changes on parent record made will be effect on the all child records too.
So cascading relationships are configured at the table level.
Sychronous versus asychronous:
With the sychronous cascading transaction, all impacted records are identified by the system and when the records are processed and locked by the system. Once all the changes happened then they are unlocked.
Whereas asychronous transcation will be run in the background.
How do you enable that from PPAC
Login into PPAC
select the environment and click on settings > Products > Features

Asychronous Merge : Turn on.

Finally “save” the changes.
When enabled, records merged through the unified client interface will be merged asychronously in the background.
Note: Allow records to be merged asychronously.
I hope…

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Author: Malla Reddy Gurram

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