How to Fix ‘The devInstall option is not applicable to the current deployable package’ Error

If you are trying to install a deployable package via command line using the AXUpdateInstaller.exe devinstall command and get this error:

Here are the steps you can take to fix this issue, run the following commands:

  • AXUpdateInstaller.exe generate -runbookid=”OneBoxDev” -topologyfile=”DefaultTopologyData.xml” -servicemodelfile=”DefaultServiceModelData.xml”…

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How to Fix ‘The devInstall option is not applicable to the current deployable package’ Error | Alex Meyer

If you are trying to install a deployable package via command line using the AXUpdateInstaller.exe devinstall command and get this error: Here are the steps you can take to fix this issue, run the following commands: AXUpdateInstaller.exe generate -runbookid=”OneBoxDev” -topologyfile=”DefaultTopologyData.xml” -servicemodelfile=”DefaultServiceModelData.xml” -runbookfile=”OneBoxDev-runbook.xml” This command generates the runbook that will execute

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Author: Alex Meyer

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