The ability to search a record by scanning its barcode is an intuitive and useful feature making the searching process quite easier. In our previous blog you saw adding of the Barcode field in the Case form. By adding this you can scan any Barcode and unique value of that Barcode will get updated in the barcode field on Case form.
We can add Barcode field in any of the forms in CRM. Also, we can search the barcode globally.
Global search will help the users to search the records quickly in the CRM.
Through Global search we can simply scan the Barcode using the Scanner and after scanning the barcode, the user will able to see the records for which the barcode is scanned. After scanning the barcode in the search, we will be able to see the associated records because in the barcode field the unique code will get auto-populated when the user scans the barcode.
In this blog we will see how we can use Barcode Scanning to search for Products in Field Service Mobile App.