Getting Buy In of your Dynamics 365 & Power Platform Solution Ideas – Reiterate the problem

In my previous video about Buy In I shared with you an experience I had, where I was trying to get Buy In from my stakeholders, but I was getting nowhere. 
People couldn’t connect to the solution I was presenting to them.
Then I used 4 specific techniques to bring back my audience and effectively get Buy In of my solution idea. In this video, we will cover more in details …

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Getting Buy In of your Dynamics 365 & Power Platform Solution Ideas – Reiterate the problem

In my previous video about Buy In I shared with you an experience I had, where I was trying to get Buy In from my stakeholders, but I was getting nowhere. People couldn’t connect to the solution I was presenting to them.

Blog Syndicated with (Dani Kahil)’s Permission

Author: Dani Kahil

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