While recently trying to move configuration data using the Configuration Migration tool, we got the below error. FaultException`1 – RetrieveMultiple : GetEntityDataByFetchSearch |=> ‘msdyncrm_segment’ entity doesn’t contain attribute with Name=”msdynmkt_name” and NameMapping = ‘Logical’. MetadataCacheDetails: ProviderType=Dynamic, StandardCache=True, IsLoadedInStagedContext = False,…
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FaultException – RetrieveMultiple: GetEntityDataByFetchSearch while using Configuration Migration Tool – Dataverse / Dynamics 365
While recently trying to move configuration data using the Configuration Migration tool, we got the below error. FaultException`1 – RetrieveMultiple : GetEntityDataByFetchSearch |=> ‘msdyncrm_segment’ entity doesn’t contain attribute with Name = ‘msdynmkt_name’ and NameMapping = ‘Logical’. MetadataCacheDetails: ProviderType=Dynamic, StandardCache=True, IsLoadedInStagedContext = False, Timestamp=65138568, MinActiveRowVersion=65138568, MetadataInstanceId=53062908, LastUpdated=2023-04-20 07:29:48.697, OrgId=f69f1cea-23d9-446f-9130-ed45ce666b28Source : mscorlibMethod : HandleReturnMessageDate : 21-04-2023Time :…
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