As you know, I’m ‘super excited’* about the new Power Fx low-code Command Bar buttons (First Look Video) (Ribbon Workbench compared to Power Fx) – especially the ease at which you can update multiple records in a grid. To allow the user to select a number of records on a grid, and then perform an operation on each, in turn, would have taken plenty of pro-code TypeScript/JavaScript before but now can be turned into a simple ForAll
* That one’s for you @laskewitz 😊
It’s easy to assume that every operation will always succeed – but my motto is always “if it can fail, it will fail”!
Just because we are writing low-code, doesn’t mean we can ignore ‘alternative flows’. With this in mind, let’s add some error handling to our updates.
Using the Command Bar editor, add a button to an entity grid and use the formula similar to :
With({updated:ForAll(Self.Selected.AllItems As ThisRecord, If(Text(ThisRecord.'Credit Hold')="No", Patch(Accounts, ThisRecord, { 'Credit Hold':'Credit Hold (Accounts)'.Yes });"Updated"), "Skipped" ) )}, With({ updatedCount: CountRows(Filter(updated,Value="Updated")), skippedCount: CountRows(Filter(updated,Value="Skipped")) }, Notify("Updated " & Text(updatedCount) & " record(s) [" & Text(skippedCount) & " skipped ]"); ));
In this example code, we are updating the selected Account records and marking them as on ‘Credit Hold’ – but only if they are not already on hold.
Imagine if we had some logic that ran inside a plugin when updating accounts that performed checks and threw an error if the checks failed. This code would silently fail and the user would not know what had happened. To work around this we can use the IsError function and update the code accordingly:
With({updated:ForAll(Self.Selected.AllItems As ThisRecord, If(Text(ThisRecord.'Credit Hold')="No", If(IsError(Patch(Accounts, ThisRecord, { 'Credit Hold':'Credit Hold (Accounts)'.Yes }))=true,"Error","Updated"), "Skipped" ) )}, With({ updatedCount: CountRows(Filter(updated,Value="Updated")), errorCount: CountRows(Filter(updated,Value="Error")), skippedCount: CountRows(Filter(updated,Value="Skipped")) }, Notify("Updated " & Text(updatedCount) & " record(s) [ " & Text(errorCount) & " error(s) " & Text(skippedCount) & " skipped ]"); ));
Save and Publish your Command Button. This creates/updates a component library stored in the solution that contains your model-driven app.
Since we are using the IsError function we need to enable this feature inside the component library. This along with the IfError function can be used to check for errors when performing Patch operations.
Inside your solution, edit the command bar Component Library (it will end with _DefaultCommandLibrary), then select Settings and toggle on the Formula-level error management feature:
Make sure you save, then publish your component library.
After editing the Component library, it seems to be necessary to always re-publish inside the command bar editor (You will need to make a small change to make the editor enable the Save and publish button). You will also need to refresh/reload your model-driven app to ensure the new command bar button is picked up.
Done! You should now have error handling in your command bar buttons 😊
Hope this helps,
P.S. SUMMIT NA 2021 is next week! I can’t believe it! I’ll be speaking about custom pages and Power FX command buttons – if you are able, come and check out my session on Next Gen Commanding.
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