Dynamics 365 Business Central: why not reviewing the SaaS storage cost policy?

In these days I had a talk with some partners asking me some guidelines and suggestions on how trying to convince some Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises customers on moving to the SaaS platform.

The two partners I’ve talked with in these days have both the same situation: they have some big Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises customers, totally happy with the product, that…

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Dynamics 365 Business Central: why not reviewing the SaaS storage cost policy?

In these days I had a talk with some partners asking me some guidelines and suggestions on how trying to convince some Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises customers on moving to the SaaS platform. The two partners I’ve talked with in these days have both the same situation: they have some big Dynamics 365 Business…

Blog Syndicated with demiliani’s Permission

Author: Stefano Demiliani

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