Speciality badge for the MB-260 certification As I’m waiting for the MB-220 Customer Insights Journey certification to change, I wanted to do a series on the MB-260 Customer Insights Data
Speciality badge for the MB-260 certification As I’m waiting for the MB-220 Customer Insights Journey certification to change, I wanted to do a series on the MB-260 Customer Insights Data
As the final hours of 2023 are ticking by I am taking a few moments to take a breath and reflect on the year that has been. A year that
I’ve been getting a lot of questions from people about how the new consent center in real-time marketing works in Customer Insights – Journeys. In this post, I’ll try to
At the time of the release of this post, we’re waiting on the December ’23 release for Customer Insights – Journeys, it’s hopefully right around the corner. Because there are
A customer of mine is moving from outbound to real-time marketing and is creating new forms in RTM. In outbound they have had a Power Automate Flow created to send