Breaking up the Base App | Request new Interfaces

Most of you, if you are a more or less loyal reader of my blog, will remember that last year I blogged about breaking up the base app, how to do that and a call to action for volunteers.

After that I blogged a bit about visiting the office in Lyngby and starting a project.

However, I don’t think I’ve ever officially reported back how that project worked out and how it “ended”.

Let me…

Continue Reading Mark Brummel’s Article on their blog

Breaking up the Base App | Request new Interfaces

Most of you, if you are a more or less loyal reader of my blog, will remember that last year I blogged about breaking up the base app, how to do that and a call to action for volunteers. After that…

Blog Syndicated with Mark Brummel’s Permission

Author: Marije Brummel

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