2024 Wave 2: Copilot for Sales

Well, folks, Microsoft is at it again! They’ve just dropped some serious coolness with the 2024 wave 2 release notes! I’m very excited to bring you a new series of articles covering all the juicy details for Dynamics 365 Sales, Customer Service, Field Service, and more! In the second article in the series, I am going to explore all the exciting stuff coming up for Copilot for Sales. Some… Continue Reading Dian Taylor’s...

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2024 Wave 2: Copilot for Sales – YouTube

2024 Wave 2: Copilot for Sales – YouTube

2024 Wave 2: Copilot for Sales This is part 2 of my video series about the new features that are part of 2024 Release Wave 2. In this episode I am talking about all the features for Copilot for Sales. Which feature are you most excited about? Leave note in the comments! Related Article: https://d365goddess.com/2024-wave-2-copilot-for-sales/ Blog: https://D365Goddess.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/D365Goddess LinkedIn:...

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2024 Wave 2: Dynamics 365 Sales

Well, folks, Microsoft is at it again! They’ve just dropped some serious coolness with the 2024 wave 2 release notes, hot off the press just 90 minutes ago! I’m stoked to bring you a new series of articles covering all the juicy details for Dynamics 365 Sales, Customer Service, Field Service, and more! In this kick-off article, we’re going to explore all the exciting stuff coming up for… Continue Reading Dian Taylor’s...

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Extend D365 Customer Service Copilot: Ask questions about your data(verse)

Earlier this month I posted an article on how you can extend the Copilot that sits inside of Dynamics 365 Customer Service by using Prompt Plugins. If you haven’t had a chance to read that article yet, then you can do so here. In the article I explained how you can create prompt plugins in Copilot Studio which are then surfaced inside of Dynamics 365 Customer Service as a PluginRead More Continue Reading Dian Taylor’s...

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Extend D365 Customer Service Copilot: Ask questions about your data(verse) – YouTube

Extend D365 Customer Service Copilot: Ask questions about your data(verse) – YouTube

Extend D365 Customer Service Copilot: Ask questions about your data(verse) In this video I will show you how to create a prompt plugin in Copilot Studio that allows agents to ask questions about dataverse tables! I will also show you how to enable this plugin for the Copilot in Dynamics 365 Customer Service ! Background by Vecteezy.com Related Article:...

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Restore deleted Dataverse rows with the Recycle Bin(preview)

Any organization that uses any type of system may at some point in time need to delete records or rows from their database(s). This can be for various reasons, like cleaning up data, correcting errors, or following business rules. Another scenario that is possible is that someone deleted a record that was not supposed to be deleted by accident. This can lead to the fact that sometimes you… Continue Reading Dian Taylor’s...

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Restore deleted Dataverse rows with the Recycle Bin(preview) – YouTube

Restore deleted Dataverse rows with the Recycle Bin(preview) – YouTube

Restore deleted Dataverse rows with the Recycle Bin(preview) Sometimes you might need to reverse a deletion and restore/recover data that was deleted. If your organization is using Dataverse to build custom apps or if they are using any of the business apps built on Dataverse, then this can be a major problem! Until today, rows (records) are not recoverable by default. In this article I will discuss a new feature that is in preview...

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Add Dataverse knowledge to a Custom Copilot using Copilot Studio

Not too long ago we saw a complete user interface refresh in Copilot Studio, and a lot of new features that were announced during Microsoft’s Build event. One of the things that was announced, was the ability to add knowledge sources to a custom Copilot. We already had some of this functionality, but it was very limited. For example we were able to add one or multiple links to publicRead… Continue Reading Dian...

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Add (Dataverse) knowledge to Copilot using Copilot Studio – YouTube

Add (Dataverse) knowledge to Copilot using Copilot Studio – YouTube

Add (Dataverse) knowledge to Copilot using Copilot Studio Not too long ago we saw lot of new features announced during Microsoft’s Build event. With Copilot Studio’s UI refresh also come a lot more options when it comes to configuring knowledge sources. This functionality allows businesses to connect Copilot to their enterprise data fairly easily, making it a lot quicker to get to the data without having to log into...

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D365 Customer Service: Dialer Enhancements

The 2024 release wave 1 for Dynamics 365 brought us some awesome features for the Dynamics 365 CX apps. So far, this release packed a lot of cool and innovative stuff to make all of the different apps work better. In this article, I will discuss the new improvements that have been made to the dialer inside of Dynamics 365 Customer Service. If you’re not sure what the dialer is inRead… Continue Reading Dian...

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D365 Customer Service: Dialer Enhancements – YouTube

D365 Customer Service: Dialer Enhancements – YouTube

D365 Customer Service: Dialer Enhancements If you haven’t seen the new enhancements to the dialer in Dynamics 365 Customer Service that are part of 2024 release wave 1, then this is the video for you to watch! Learn all about the new features and how to enable them! Related Article: https://d365goddess.com/d365-customer-service-dialer-enhancements/ Blog: https://D365Goddess.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/D365Goddess LinkedIn:...

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Extend D365 Customer Service Copilot with Prompt Plugins (preview)

The preview feature that I am writing about today is a feature that a lot of us have been waiting for! I am super excited that it’s finally here, and I think this will be a game changer for service organizations! If you are familiar with Dynamics 365 Customer Service, than you most likely have seen the Copilot for agents (this is what I call it) that lives inside ofRead More Continue Reading Dian Taylor’s Article on their...

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Extend Copilot in D365 Customer Service with Prompt Plugins – YouTube

Extend Copilot in D365 Customer Service with Prompt Plugins – YouTube

Extend Copilot in D365 Customer Service with Prompt Plugins The preview feature that I am discussing in this video is something that a lot of us have been waiting for! I am super excited that it’s finally here, and I think this will be a game changer for service organizations! If you are familiar with Dynamics 365 Customer Service, than you most likely have seen the Copilot for agents that lives inside of Dynamics 365 Customer...

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Configurable Copilot Summaries for D365 Field Service

If your organization is using Dynamics 365 Field Service, then you probably have seen the summarization feature for bookings and work orders. This feature is currently in public preview and it uses artificial intelligence to generate a recap for a work order or a booking record in Dynamics 365 Field Service. This summary contains information about the work order and related data, such as work… Continue Reading Dian...

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Configurable Copilot Summaries for D365 Field Service – YouTube

Configurable Copilot Summaries for D365 Field Service – YouTube

Configurable Copilot Summaries for D365 Field Service In this video I will show you how you can configure copilot summaries in work orders and bookings for Dynamics 365 Field Service. This feature is currently in preview. Related Article: https://d365goddess.com/configurable-copilot-summaries-for-d365-field-service Blog: https://D365Goddess.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/D365Goddess LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diantaylor/...

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Use Copilot in D365 Customer Service to generate knowledge articles from cases

Microsoft is adding more and more functionality to Copilot and I am loving it! It’s almost like every time I log into one of the Dynamics 365 apps, there are new things that Copilot can do, no matter which app I am in! Today I am going to discuss a feature that you can test right now, because it is currently in public preview. The feature I am talking aboutRead More Continue Reading Dian Taylor’s Article on their blog Use...

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Use Copilot in D365 Customer Service to generate knowledge articles from cases (preview) – YouTube

Use Copilot in D365 Customer Service to generate knowledge articles from cases (preview) – YouTube

Use Copilot in D365 Customer Service to generate knowledge articles from cases (preview) In this video I discussing a feature that you can test right now, because it is currently in public preview. The feature I am referring to is the ability for Copilot to generate a knowledge article draft from a case. Previously we were able to convert a case to a knowledge article by clicking the ‘convert’ button on a case, but this...

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Configure if Booking Status completes a work order

If your organization is using Dynamics 365 Field Service, then you might have come across a scenario where a field technician doesn’t need to fully complete a work order, but instead they need to partially complete a work order. There could be multiple reasons for this need, for example a technician doesn’t have all the required parts on hand to fix the issue, and they might need to order the

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D365 Field Service: Configure if Booking Status completes a work order – YouTube

D365 Field Service: Configure if Booking Status completes a work order – YouTube

D365 Field Service: Configure if Booking Status completes a work order If your organization is using Dynamics 365 Field Service, then you might have come across a scenario where a field technician doesn’t need to fully complete a work order, but instead they need to partially complete it. There could be multiple reasons for this need, for example a technician doesn’t have all the required parts on hand to fix the issue,...

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Improved email attachment experience in D365 Customer Service

Here is another set of features that kind of snuck into Dynamics 365 Customer Service without anyone noticing! At least I didn’t notice until I opened an email message in Dynamics 365 Customer Service and saw some different options available for me! I (or any other admin) didn’t need to enable anything, these features just showed up out of the blue! It’s hard to pinpoint which release wave… Continue Reading...

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Improved email attachment experience in D365 Customer Service – YouTube

Improved email attachment experience in D365 Customer Service – YouTube

Improved email attachment experience in D365 Customer Service Microsoft has improved the email attachment experience in Dynamics 365 Customer Service! In this video I will tell you all about it, and as a bonus I will show you how to enable this control on your email forms! Related Article: https://d365goddess.com/improved-email-attachment-experience-in-d365-customer-service Blog: https://D365Goddess.com Twitter:...

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Copilot assistance for form fill in Model-Driven Apps

Believe it or not, I have actually received requests in the past where prospects wanted the system to automatically create records in Dataverse or Dynamics 365, which of course is kind of crazy! We always need to integrate with another system, or have someone either enter data manually or import the data into Dynamics 365 (or Dataverse) (for example rows like accounts, contacts, opportunities,… Continue Reading Dian...

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Copilot Assistance for Form Fill in Model-Driven Apps – YouTube

Copilot Assistance for Form Fill in Model-Driven Apps – YouTube

Copilot Assistance for Form Fill in Model-Driven Apps Ever wanted your model driven app to help populate data in a form? Learn all about this new feature that is no generally available! Related Article: https://d365goddess.com/copilot-assistance-for-form-fill-in-model-driven-apps Blog: https://D365Goddess.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/D365Goddess LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diantaylor/ Ever wanted your model driven app to...

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Associate emails to multiple records (preview)

As you might or might not know, today we only have the ability to relate activities to ONE row (or record) in Dynamics 365 CX by setting the ‘regarding’ field on the activity. This can be problematic, because there might be a need to save a record to multiple rows (or records). A good example of when there would be a need to associate an activity (like an email) toRead More Continue Reading Dian Taylor’s Article on...

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Associate emails to multiple records in Dynamics 365 – YouTube

Associate emails to multiple records in Dynamics 365 – YouTube

Associate emails to multiple records in Dynamics 365 We have been asking Microsoft for a while to allow sellers to associate emails to multiple records in Dynamics 365, and this new preview feature will allows them to do that! Check out my video where I tell you all about it! Change environment database settings: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/admin/environment-database-settings Related Article:...

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Get document recommendations from SharePoint (preview) from Copilot for Sales

Last Friday I noticed that a highly anticipated feature in Dynamics 365 Sales is now in preview! This feature is part of the 2024 release wave 1. With this feature sellers will be able to get product related files directly from within the Sales Hub in Dynamics 365 Sales! I believe this is a very important feature because how often are sellers searching for the latest product information like… Continue Reading Dian Taylor’s...

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Get document recommendations from SharePoint (preview) in Dynamics 365 Sales – YouTube

Get document recommendations from SharePoint (preview) in Dynamics 365 Sales – YouTube

Get document recommendations from SharePoint (preview) in Dynamics 365 Sales Did you know that a new preview feature is out that allows sellers to use Copilot for Sales to surface sales documents in Dynamics 365 Sales?! Check out my video where I show you all about it! Related Article: https://d365goddess.com/get-document-recommendations-from-sharepoint-preview-copilotforsales Blog: https://D365Goddess.com Twitter:...

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Find Dynamics 365 Data in Outlook using mentions

Today I stumbled across a feature that is pretty new! This feature was just released on March 6th and I have to say I am loving it! Apparently, it has been in preview, so I am not sure how I missed it, but I guess with so many new features being pushed out on a regular basis, it is to be expected that some features slip through the cracks! First,Read More Continue Reading Dian Taylor’s Article on their blog Find Dynamics 365...

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Find Dynamics 365 Date in Outlook using mentions – YouTube

Find Dynamics 365 Date in Outlook using mentions – YouTube

Find Dynamics 365 Date in Outlook using mentions In this video, I’m going to show you a feature that just because generally available, which makes this process much easier. It allows us to “mention” a Dynamics 365 record directly from within the Outlook web client. This means that the link to the Dynamics 365 record is embedded into the email, and the recipient can click the link straight from the email message....

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Extend Copilot for Microsoft 365 with Dynamics 365 Data (preview)

I am sure you have heard the term “Copilot” a lot in the Microsoft universe. It can be overwhelming to understand the different types of Copilots available. There is a Copilot for Dynamics 365 Customer Service, which helps customer service agents by searching through knowledge sources like SharePoint sites, internal websites, and knowledge bases to help solve customer issues. On the other… Continue Reading Dian...

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Extend Copilot for Microsoft 365 with Dynamics 365 Data (preview) – YouTube

Extend Copilot for Microsoft 365 with Dynamics 365 Data (preview) – YouTube

Extend Copilot for Microsoft 365 with Dynamics 365 Data (preview) Learn all about how to extend M365 Copilot with Dynamics 365 Data using plugins! Related Article: https://d365goddess.com/extend-copilot-for-microsoft-365-with-dynamics-365-data-preview Blog: https://D365Goddess.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/D365Goddess LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diantaylor/ Learn all about how to extend M365 Copilot with Dynamics 365 Data...

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2024 Wave 1 Release Notes: D365 Field Service

Like every year, I’ve been writing several articles about the features included in the 2024 Wave 1 release for Dynamics 365 CX! In the first article of this series, I explored all the additions and enhancements for Dynamics 365 Sales. Following that, I wrote a piece about the new SKU Microsoft Copilot for Sales; you can catch up on it here if you haven’t gotten a chance to do soRead… Continue Reading Dian...

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2024 Release Wave 1 – D365 Field Service – YouTube

2024 Release Wave 1 – D365 Field Service – YouTube

2024 Release Wave 1 – D365 Field Service This is the 4th video in my series about 2024 Release Wave 1. In this video I will discuss and explain features that are part of Dynamics 365 Field Service, as described in the 2024 Wave 1 Release notes. Related Article: https://d365goddess.com/2024-wave-1-release-notes-d365-field-service Links to the videos mentioned : – The enhanced mobile experience for Field Service(preview):...

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2024 Release Wave 1: D365 Customer Service – YouTube

2024 Release Wave 1: D365 Customer Service – YouTube

2024 Release Wave 1: D365 Customer Service This is my 3rd video in my series of 2024 Release Wave 1. In this video I will discuss features that are part of Dynamics 365 Customer Service, mentioned in the 2024 Wave 1 Release notes. Related Article: https://d365goddess.com/2024-wave-1-release-notes-d365-customer-service Blog: https://D365Goddess.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/D365Goddess LinkedIn:...

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2024 Wave 1 Release Notes: D365 Customer Service

As you all know, the release notes were published not too long ago. As I do every year, I have been writing several articles about the functionality that is part of the 2024 Wave 1 notes for Dynamics 365 CX! In the first article I wrote in this series, I discussed everything exciting and new that is coming for Dynamics 365 Sales, followed by an article about the new SKURead More Continue Reading Dian Taylor’s Article on their...

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2024 Wave 1 Release Notes: Microsoft Copilot for Sales

Last week Microsoft published the release notes for 2024 Wave 1 and just like we’re used to, this wave has loads of awesome new features! As I do for every release wave, I will be writing another series of articles about the 2024 wave 1 notes for Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service and more! In the first article in this series, I discussed everything

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2024 Wave 1 Release Notes –  Microsoft Copilot for Sales – YouTube

2024 Wave 1 Release Notes – Microsoft Copilot for Sales – YouTube

2024 Wave 1 Release Notes – Microsoft Copilot for Sales In this video I will go over all the features that are part of the new Microsoft Copilot for Sales, which are mentioned in the 2024 Wave 1 Release notes. For more information: FAQ document on top asked questions: https://aka.ms/C4SFAQ Copilot for Sales adoption materials: https://aka.ms/C4SAdoption Updated UX Experience Article: https://aka.ms/C4SUserUpdates Related...

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2024 Wave 1 Release Notes – D365 Sales – YouTube

2024 Wave 1 Release Notes – D365 Sales – YouTube

2024 Wave 1 Release Notes – D365 Sales This is my first video in the series of 2024 Release Wave 1. In this episode Lisa Crosbie joins me to discuss the new features that are part of Dynamics 365 Sales! Be sure to subscribe to Lisa’s YouTube channel as well: https://www.youtube.com/lisacrosbie Related Article: https://d365goddess.com/2024-wave-1-release-notes-d365-sales/ Blog: https://D365Goddess.com Twitter:...

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2024 Wave 1 Release Notes: Dynamics 365 Sales

Microsoft has done it again! They’ve unleashed a fresh wave of awesomeness with the 2024 wave 1 release notes that were published an hour and a half ago! I will be writing another series of articles about the 2024 wave 1 for Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service and more! You probably noticed that I am usually publishing on Tuesdays, but I couldn’t wait… Continue Reading Dian...

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Passing D365 Customer Service data to Copilot Studio

In today’s article I will talk about Copilot Studio, but I am not discussing any new features. Instead, I am going to discuss some very important things that are happening in Copilot Studio when you integrate with Dynamics 365 Customer Service! Things you might not be aware of, I know I wasn’t! I will also talk about how we can bring additional data from Dynamics 365 Customer Service into… Continue Reading Dian...

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Passing D365 Customer Service data to Copilot Studio – YouTube

Passing D365 Customer Service data to Copilot Studio – YouTube

Passing D365 Customer Service data to Copilot Studio In this video I will discuss how Copilot Studio automatically captures data from Dynamics 365 Customer Service, after you’ve connected the two applications! Yes this is different from how it worked in Power Virtual Agents! I will also discuss what the problem can be if you are no longer getting values from Dynamics 365 Customer Service in Copilot Studio! Related Article:...

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Copilot in the enhanced mobile experience for D365 Field Service(preview)

Having a well-designed mobile app for frontline workers is crucial for many reasons, as it directly contributes to streamlined operations, improved communication, enhanced efficiency, and ultimately, a more empowered and productive workforce. Last week I wrote an article about the exciting features that are part of the new enhanced mobile experience for Dynamics 365 Field Service, which is… Continue Reading Dian Taylor’s...

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Copilot in the enhanced mobile experience for D365 Field Service – YouTube

Copilot in the enhanced mobile experience for D365 Field Service – YouTube

Copilot in the enhanced mobile experience for D365 Field Service In my last video I showed you the new mobile experience for Dynamics 365 Field Service. Part of the new mobile app is Copilot, which this video is all about. Related Article: https://d365goddess.com/copilot-in-the-enhanced-mobile-experience-for-d365-field-servicepreview Blog: https://D365Goddess.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/D365Goddess LinkedIn:...

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Enhanced mobile experience(preview) for D365 Field Service – YouTube

Enhanced mobile experience(preview) for D365 Field Service – YouTube

Enhanced mobile experience(preview) for D365 Field Service There is a new preview feature in Dynamics 365 Field Service, which allows you to take the new mobile experience for a test ride! I will show you all the ins and outs in this video. Related Article: https://d365goddess.com/enhanced-mobile-experience-for-d365-field-service Blog: https://D365Goddess.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/D365Goddess LinkedIn:...

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Enhanced mobile experience(preview) for D365 Field Service

There have been a lot of improvements to Dynamics 365 Field Service this year and I have loved every single one of them! However… One of my favorite improvements is the new mobile experience for field techs for Dynamics 365 Field Service. Yes, I am aware that this feature is not generally available yet, as it has been in preview since early November of 2023. So what is this previewRead More Continue Reading Dian Taylor’s...

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Copilot Studio: Dynamic chaining with generative actions (preview)

In previous articles I showed you how you can create plugin actions (currently in preview) in Copilot Studio by using one of the Power Platform connectors, or by using a Power Automate Flow. In this article I am going to discuss how you can use Dynamic Chaining, another preview feature that is part of generative AI capabilities in Copilot Studio. First let me explain what dynamic chaining is…. Continue Reading Dian...

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Copilot Studio: Dynamic chaining with generative actions( preview) – YouTube

Copilot Studio: Dynamic chaining with generative actions( preview) – YouTube

Copilot Studio: Dynamic chaining with generative actions( preview) In this video I will show you the ins and outs about Dynamic chaining with generative actions in Copilot Studio! Related Article: https://d365goddess.com/copilot-studio-dynamic-chaining-with-generative-actions-preview Blog: https://D365Goddess.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/D365Goddess LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diantaylor/ In this video I will show you...

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Create Plugin Actions(preview) with Power Automate in Copilot Studio

A few months ago I wrote an article about a new preview feature for Copilot Studio called ‘Plugin Actions’. (You can read the article here if you haven’t read it yet.) If you’re not familiar with Plugin actions, they are used by copilot to respond to users automatically and you can call them from within a topic! In my previous article I showed you how to use an existing powerRead… Continue Reading Dian...

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Create Plugin Actions(preview) with Power Automate in Copilot Studio – YouTube

Create Plugin Actions(preview) with Power Automate in Copilot Studio – YouTube

Create Plugin Actions(preview) with Power Automate in Copilot Studio In a previous video I showed you how to create a plugin action(preview) in Copilot Studio using a Power Platform connector. In this video I will show you how to create a plugin action(preview) using a Power Automate flow! Related Article: https://d365goddess.com/copilot-studio-plugin-actions-with-power-automate-flows Blog: https://D365Goddess.com Twitter:...

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Build your own service copilot with Copilot for Service (Preview)

During the Microsoft Ignite conference in November there have been a lot of announcements about Microsoft Copilot. There are a ton of different copilot types, each with their own unique experience. Think about Microsoft 365 Copilot, which acts as a personal assistant to the end user, or Copilot for Dynamics 365 Sales, which allows sales reps to get summaries for leads and opportunities,… Continue Reading Dian Taylor’s...

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