Add Office 365 CDN rule to have a document library for each SharePoint site

On SharePoint online, there is a possibility to activate a feature on the tenant that allows you to have CDN on some libraries inside your SharePoint. Typically, there are multiple files stored in this service and they will load faster on the page if you have this service activated.

By default, this feature is not activated on the SharePoint Online, so first, we need to run the…

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Add Office 365 CDN rule to have a document library for each SharePoint site

On SharePoint online, there is a possibility to activate a feature on the tenant that allows you to have CDN on some libraries inside your SharePoint. Typically, there are multiple files stored in this service and they will load faster on the page if you have this service activated.

Blog Syndicated with David Ramalho’s Permission

Author: David Ramalho

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