40 – Estimating Bugs in Scrum

There are two ways of handling bugs in Scrum:

  1. Bug Estimators treat bugs like any other product backlog item. They write a card, estimate it, add it to the product backlog, prioritise it and work on it during a future sprint.
  2. Bug Zappers try and avoid writing cards for bugs and they never estimate them. Instead, they try and zap bugs as soon as they are discovered.

Mike Cohn is a Bug…

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40 – Estimating Bugs in Scrum

There are two ways of handling bugs in Scrum: Bug Estimators treat bugs like any other product backlog item. They write a card, estimate it, add it to the product backlog, prioritise it and work on it during a future sprint. Bug Zappers try and avoid writing cards for bugs and they never estimate them.

Blog Syndicated with Neil Benson’s Permission

Author: Neil Benson

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