Welsh Azure User Group June 2021 Meet Up!

It was the day of our Welsh Azure User Group #WAUG June 2021 meet up and we had 3 Amazing Lighting Talks as well as a feature Length talk which gave us some great information around Using Ephemeral Disks with AVS, Azure Landing Zones and the IaaS Extension for SQL Servers, as well as an …

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Welsh Azure User Group June 2021 Meet Up!

It was the day of our Welsh Azure User Group #WAUG June 2021 meet up and we had 3 Amazing Lighting Talks as well as a feature Length talk which gave us some great information around Using Ephemeral Disks with AVS, Azure Landing Zones and the IaaS Extension for SQL Servers, as well as an…

Blog Syndicated with jonnychipz’s Permission

Author: John Lunn

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