Weekly Update #59 – Getting back to normal
This week has been another quick week, I’ve been busy trying to catch up on admin that I missed last week when I was focussing on Ignite and also I’ve been trying to catch up on creating some content.
During my update I talked about a couple of things, if you want to check them out in more detail here are some links:
New Azure Advisor performance recommendations (https://azure.microsoft.com/updates/new-performance-recommendations-now-available-in-azure-advisor/?WT.mc_id=modinfra-0000-salean)
Azure Security Center AWS and GCP connectors (https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/security-center/release-notes?WT.mc_id=modinfra-0000-salean#aws-and-gcp-connectors-in-security-center-bring-a-multi-cloud-experience)
Application Insights now available in UK West (https://azure.microsoft.com/updates/general-availability-application-insight-in-uk-west/?WT.mc_id=modinfra-0000-salean)
This week has been another quick week, I’ve been busy trying to catch up on admin that I missed last week when I was focussing on Ignite and also I’ve been trying to catch up on creating some content.
During my update I talked about a couple of things, if you want to check them out in more detail here are some links:
New Azure Advisor operational recommendations (https://azure.microsoft.com/updates/new-recommendations-for-operational-excellence-are-now-available-in-azure-advisor/?WT.mc_id=modinfra-0000-salean)
New Azure Advisor performance recommendations (https://azure.microsoft.com/updates/new-performance-recommendations-now-available-in-azure-advisor/?WT.mc_id=modinfra-0000-salean)
Azure Security Center AWS and GCP connectors (https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/security-center/release-notes?WT.mc_id=modinfra-0000-salean#aws-and-gcp-connectors-in-security-center-bring-a-multi-cloud-experience)
Application Insights now available in UK West (https://azure.microsoft.com/updates/general-availability-application-insight-in-uk-west/?WT.mc_id=modinfra-0000-salean)