Using the new ‘Send a Microsoft Graph HTTP request’ action in Power Automate to send urgent messages in Microsoft Teams

One limitation we have in Power Automate’s standard Microsoft Teams actions is the inability to send high messages flagged as URGENT on Teams.

However, with the new ‘Send a Microsoft Graph HTTP request’ action, we can overcome this issue and send messages flagged as urgent in Microsoft teams, enhancing our communication automation capabilities within Teams and Power Automate.

The Microsoft Graph Request needed & Action in Power Automate

To send a teams message via Graph, you need to send a request body representing the chatMessage object.

This object has an property named importance.

When creating a message as urgent, we need to set the importance of the message as urgent (this property accepts the following values: urgent, high and normal).

Then we run a POST request against the specific Microsoft Graph Endpoints (depending if we are either sending a message in a chat or channel conversation) using the message body we constructed.

For a sample call in…

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SharePoint and Office 365 Consultant/Developer always trying to get the best from Microsoft stack (Microsoft 365/Azure/Power Platform and related stuff).

Living in Ireland since 2018, I had previously worked in Brazil as a consultant/developer for Office 365, SharePoint and related technologies for almost 10 years.

Author: michelcarlo

SharePoint and Office 365 Consultant/Developer always trying to get the best from Microsoft stack (Microsoft 365/Azure/Power Platform and related stuff). Living in Ireland since 2018, I had previously worked in Brazil as a consultant/developer for Office 365, SharePoint and related technologies for almost 10 years.

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