Discover how to use input parameters and dynamic content in Power Automate to make your flows more flexible and powerful. A must-watch for those looking to enhance their automation skills!
This video consists of:
0:00 – 8:00 ➝ Introduction
9:00 – 15:00 ➝ In the previous video
16:00 – 30:00 ➝ In this video
31:00 – 55:00 ➝ What are input parameters?
56:00 – 1:19:00 ➝ What is dynamic content?
1:20:00 – 2:33:00 ➝ Changing the previous flow to add input parameters
2:34:00 – 3:22:00 ➝ Saving and testing
3:23:00 – 3:33:00 ➝ Quick recap
3:34:00 – 3:47:00 ➝ In the next video
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