We configured the Project Operations app in one of our Dataverse Environments, and while creating a Company record we got the below error. Exception Message: OrganizationServiceFault Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.InvalidPluginExecutionException: “The user be60d0fd-778e-ee11-be36-00224893a88b cannot write data to this table, only the integration users may write data to this table.” At Mcrosoft.Dynamics.FOCommon.Plugins.Services.ReadonlyEntityService.PreModify(LocalPluginContext localcontext) at Microsoft.Dynamics.FOCommon.Plugins.PluginBase.Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) Plugin: ExceptionFromPluginExecute: Microsoft.Dynamics.FOCommon.Plugins.ReadonlyEntityPreModify … Continue reading “The user cannot write data to this table, only the integration users may write data to this table – Dynamics 365 Project Operations”