Weekly Update #120 – Countdown to the end of the year Join me in my latest weekly update video as I am counting down to the end of the year
Weekly Update #120 – Countdown to the end of the year Join me in my latest weekly update video as I am counting down to the end of the year
Hawaii Power Platform Day : https://events.powercommunity.com/hawaii-power-platform-day/ Canadian Power Platform Summit : https://www.canadianpowerplatformsummit.com/ Optimod Improving Entrepreneurial Journey : https://optimod.net/storage/documents/pdf/OPTIMOD_brochure_vol2_improving_entrepreneurial_journey.pdf Power Community Events: https://events.powercommunity.com/ source
Yammer might be dead, but Viva la Viva Engage! Has your Yammer been a dry desert with occasional tumbleweeds rolling slowly around? Do you want to turn it into an