See where the portal web API can fit in with your existing custom template skills; liquid, fetch xml, the entities object… – Understand the benefits of the API and AJAX
See where the portal web API can fit in with your existing custom template skills; liquid, fetch xml, the entities object… – Understand the benefits of the API and AJAX
Password Protect your Azure Static Web Apps Join me as I look at how you can password protect your Azure Static Web Apps. #Azure #PasswordProtect #Security ? My YouTube camera
Migrating Project for the web projects from the default environment is a question I get asked every now and then. Sometimes customers want to migrate their P4W projects to Project
Using The Outlook Web App As A Desktop App If you are like millions of others who work daily using Outlook, you likely use the desktop client. You might have
Tested on Project Operations Lite solution version (November 2021), Project for the web solution version The Project schedule APIs are the only means of programmatically creating, updating, and