Tested on Project Operations on Dataverse version (2021 wave 2 EA) A frequent ask in Dynamics 365 Project Operations implementations is a weekly reminder that is sent to resources
Tested on Project Operations on Dataverse version (2021 wave 2 EA) A frequent ask in Dynamics 365 Project Operations implementations is a weekly reminder that is sent to resources
If you’re wondering how much time the product owner or subject matter experts spend each sprint building Power Platform tor Dynamics 365 apps, watch this video to find out. Then
Watch how Raghavendra up-skilled in Digital Marketing and really impressed by the course content and the real time experience shared by the industry experts. We have helped more than 6,
Recorded: 09.07.21 Week 28 of my Jonnychipz weekly VLOG, covering the Last Week of Azure News and Updates, Welsh Azure User Group News and some great Community Callouts. Live at
This week I touch on the latest news from the Azure and Microsoft Teams world and also touch on how I think we need to normalise taking time off from