When you set up a new compensation you should set “Recommendation” to yes to be able to give recommendations. Enable recommendations When you run the process you can change the
When you set up a new compensation you should set “Recommendation” to yes to be able to give recommendations. Enable recommendations When you run the process you can change the
Examples of fixed compensation plans; Base pay raise Merit increase Promotion Demotion Examples of variable compensation plans; Bonus payments Performance awards Stock options Grants One-time awards Continue Reading Malin Donoso
The third part of Set Up and Use the Talent Application (25 – 30%) is Set Up and manage benefit information: Describe examples of fixed and variable compensation plans Use
To maintain dependents and beneficiary information you go to the personnel management workspace and find the worker you want to edit. Under the tab profile and subsection Personal information you
To enroll several workers in a benefit you first to to the benefit workspace and find the benefit you want to enroll workers in. In the action pane in the