Benefit management You have three benefit elements. Benefit types are the different types of benefits you can use in a benefit Benefit types Benefit options are the coverage levels allowed
Benefit management You have three benefit elements. Benefit types are the different types of benefits you can use in a benefit Benefit types Benefit options are the coverage levels allowed
In the top bar of the benefit management workspace you have four numbers and three tabs. The four numbers are count of: No enrollments Expiring this year Eligibility overrides Total
The second part of Set Up and Use the Talent Application (25 – 30%) is Set Up and manage benefit information: Explore the Benefit management workspace Describe the difference between
To enter the details about a worker you could use the Excel Add-in, or you can open the worker in the personnel management – links – employees, finding the worker
There are three ways you can get an worker in Talent and hire them. Hire someone with Attract Import them through the Excel add-in Create them in Core HR You