If you’ve used Microsoft Forms, you’ll know it’s pretty straightforward to use and provides you with a quick tool to create surveys and forms to send to people. Enter Microsoft
If you’ve used Microsoft Forms, you’ll know it’s pretty straightforward to use and provides you with a quick tool to create surveys and forms to send to people. Enter Microsoft
Thanks for visiting! If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. When sending out emails for things like a case closure, or any time you
If you’ve used Microsoft Forms, you’ll know it’s pretty straightforward to use and provides you with a quick tool to create surveys and forms to send to people. Enter Microsoft
Today’s #TipTuesday is a bit different from my normal type of post. In the course of monitoring some integrations, I had wanted to change the emails I get when there
Introduction: We often configure email notification for workflows but to approve them User needs to Login and navigate to Request to approve page in NAV. What if we get a