Today Mark & Iain chat with Jim Novak. Jim & Mike are running the D365 Saturday Boston event Tickets and Speakers are here source
Today Mark & Iain chat with Jim Novak. Jim & Mike are running the D365 Saturday Boston event Tickets and Speakers are here source
Mark & Iain Chat with Rosie Brotherwood, Ana Demeny & Mark Smith (NZ365Guy) about a range of topics and their upcoming session at Dynamics 365 Saturday Scotland source
Mark Christie & Iain Connolly chat with Ryan Maclean, Reece Campbell and Microsoft MVP Jonas Rapp about their upcoming sessions at #D365SatSco source
Mark Christie chats with Janet Robb, Lucy Muscat and Sara Lagerkvist about the upcoming Dynamics365 Saturday event in Glasgow source
Mark Christie and Chris Huntingford Interview Event Speakers Julian Sharp, Megan Walker & Ben Vollmer (Audio Partially Cuts out 15 seconds) source