Introduction Embedded canvas apps are in public preview for a few weeks now and I’ve been quite disappointed because of the context that is passed to them. The context that
Introduction Embedded canvas apps are in public preview for a few weeks now and I’ve been quite disappointed because of the context that is passed to them. The context that
Often, when a real-time workflow is being executed in the background, users don’t know how long it will take for the processing to finish. setFormNotifications in D365 v9 come handy!
At times, users are unaware of the deprecation announced for D365 v9 version earlier in 2018 or simply, they’re not aware whether to look for deprecation announcements. One of the
I’ve seen a few tweets of admiration, appreciation and inspiration for the Dynamics/PowerPlatform community the last couple of days so I wanted to write a blog post talking about some
Problem Typically, when you create a new Activity type of entity and you want a Create button for the same, it just appears in the Other Activities fly-out button and